Church, Bakery, Breakfast
Dan Reinhard and Kathleen Beichert, cousins who grew up in Rondout, remember the sights, sounds, and especially smells of the Reher bakery on Sunday mornings.
Barbara Polacco Tremper’s maiden and married names both appear on the Sunday List. Throughout her life, she attended mass at St. Mary’s followed by a quick stop at the Reher bakery.
Guerrin Matthew remembers leaving church early on Sundays in the 1940s to help the Rehers bag rolls in preparation for the post-mass rush. Sometimes, he also paid for the rye bread which Willie Reher had delivered to his front door earlier that week.
Emmy Hastings remembers her family’s weekly Sunday breakfasts of bacon and eggs on Reher rolls; the special (and only) meal her father cooked for their large family each week in the 1960s.